Quem é Anderson??

Ander Goffin, é nada mais que um nome artístico para o Blog, onde ele procura homenagear a ex-vocalista do grupo belgo LASGO pelo sobrenome, Evi Goffin.
Seu nome verdadeiro é Anderson Luis Zotarelli, nascido em São José do Rio Preto-SP, e criado e residente na pequena cidade do interior de São Paulo, Cedral, nasceu em 23 de Julho de 1990, fã de Evi Goffin, como dito acima ex-vocalista de Lasgo.
O objetivo inicial do -=Blog Ander Goffin=- era e ainda é disponibilizar, divulgar tudo - fotos, vídeos, ect- que se relacionava a Evi Goffin, mas posteriormente, mais precisamente em 20 de abril de 2009, decidiu incorporar ao -=Blog Ander Goffin=- os eventos que acontecia em sua cidade residente, Cedral-SP, nesse dia em que ele teve essa idéa pioneira, estava no evento do Clube dos 21 denominado "Baile Tropical", onde filmou com seu celular os momentos hilários que ali ocorria, no dia seguinte (21/04/2009) edita as filmagens e publica o vídeo no dia 22/04/2009 no You Tube e faz a incorporação do vídeo no -=Blog Ander Goffin=-, assim surge o PRIMEIRO BLOG DE CEDRAL-SP - Cedralander.tk.
Com o passar do tempo o blog foi ganhando força com novos eventos ali acontecendo, em 1 (um) ano de Vida do Blog (06/03/2010) a somatória dos vídeos relacionados ao eventos ocorridos em Cedral-SP chegou aproximadamente 5200 (cinco mil e duzentos) visualizações, visita ao blog aproximadamente 14000 (catorze mil) acessos. Com essa motivação foi também criado o PRIMEIRO CHAT de bate-papo para Cedral e Região para os usuários do Messenger (Msn), onde todos podem participar, discutir qualquer assunto ( o endereço do chat é: group895851@groupsim.com).
Com grande sucesso obtido na cidade, o blog abragiu para a Região de Cedral, assim fazendo cobertura das cidades de Potirendaba, Ibirá, Guapiçú, São José do Rio Preto, entre outras
E ele também começou a publicar matéria referentes ao Mangá Bleach, imagens engraçadas encontradas na internet, PPS (Slides) engraçados, Apostilas para Curso de Sistemas de Informação (atual curso no qual está realizando), enfim, e muitas outras coisas, assim deixando o -=Blog Ander Goffin=- rico em conteúdo para todos os Cedralenses e fãs de Evi Goffin.

Frase Pessoal:
"Sou que sou, não sou o que querem que eu seja!"

Redes Sociais:
Msn/E-mail: alzanderson@hotmail.com
Orkut: ミ★ Anderson ★彡 Zotarelli [http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=334528594134124972]
Twitter: AnderZotarelli [http://twitter.com/AnderZotarelli]
Facebook: Anderson Zotarelli [http://www.facebook.com/alzanderson]

Translation from Portuguese into English:
Ander Goffin, is nothing more than a stage name for the Blog, where he seeks to honor the former lead singer of the Belgian LASG by surname, Goffin Evi.

His real name is Anderson Luis Zotarelli, born in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, and raised and living in small town of Sao Paulo, Cedral, was born on July 23, 1990, a fan of Evi Goffin, as above ex lead singer of Lasgo.

The initial goal of Goffin =- -= Blog Ander was and still is available, disclose everything - photos, videos, ect, which related to Evi Goffin, but later, more precisely on 20 April 2009, decided to incorporate -= Blog Ander Goffin =- events that happened in your town resident, Cedral-SP, that day he had this idea pioneer, was at the 21 Club event called "Tropical Dance," where he filmed with his cell phone the hilarious moments that there occurred the next day (21/04/2009) publishes and edits the footage on the video on You Tube 04.22.2009 and makes the incorporation of video in -= Blog =- Ander Goffin, so there is the FIRST BLOG DE Cedrales-SP - Cedralander.tk.

Over time the blog has been gaining momentum with new events happening there, at 1 (one) year of Life Blog (06/03/2010) the sum of the videos related to events in SP-Cedral arrived about 5200 (five thousand and two hundred) views, visit the blog about 14,000 (fourteen thousand) hits. With this motivation has also created the FIRST CHAT chat to Cedral Region and for users of Messenger (MSN), where everyone can participate, discuss any matter (the address of the chat is group895851@groupsim.com).

With great success in the city, the blog for the Region of Abragam Cedral, thus making coverage of the cities of Potirendaba, Ibirá, Guapiçú, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, among other

And he also began to publish matters concerning the Bleach manga, funny pictures found on the internet, PPS (Slides) Funny, Tutorials Course for Information Systems (current course you are doing), at last, and many other things, thus leaving the -= Blog =- Goffin Ander-rich content for all fans and Cedralenses Evi Goffin.

Personal Quote:

"I am who I am, I am not what I want to be!"

Social Networks:
Msn/E-mail: alzanderson@hotmail.com

Orkut: ミ★ Anderson ★彡 Zotarelli [http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=334528594134124972]
Twitter: AnderZotarelli [http://twitter.com/AnderZotarelli]
Facebook: Anderson Zotarelli [http://www.facebook.com/alzanderson]

Vertaling uit het Portugees naar het Nederlands:
Ander Goffin, is niets meer dan een podium naam voor de blog, waar hij probeert ter ere van de vroegere zanger van de Belgische LASGO op achternaam, Goffin Evi.

Zijn echte naam is Anderson Luis Zotarelli, geboren in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, en getogen en woonachtig in kleine stad van Sao Paulo, Cedral, werd geboren op 23 juli 1990, een fan van Evi Goffin, zoals hierboven ex leadzanger van Lasgo.

Het oorspronkelijke doel van Goffin =- -= Blog Ander was en is nog steeds beschikbaar is, openbaart alles - foto's, video's, ect, die in verband met Evi Goffin, maar later, meer bepaald op 20 april 2009, besloten op te nemen -= Blog Ander Goffin =- gebeurtenissen die in uw gemeente woont, Cedral-SP, die dag had hij dit idee pionier was op de 21 Club evenement, genaamd "Tropical Dance," waar hij gefilmd met zijn mobiele telefoon de hilarische momenten die vond er de volgende dag (21/04/2009) publiceert en bewerkt de beelden op de video op You Tube 04.22.2009 en maakt de integratie van video in -= Blog =- Ander Goffin, dus er is de eerste blog DE Cedrales-SP - Cedralander.tk.

Na verloop van tijd de blog is goed op stoom met nieuwe gebeurtenissen daar, bij 1 (een) jaar van Life Blog (06/03/2010) de som van de video's die verwijzen naar gebeurtenissen in SP-Cedral arriveerde ongeveer 5200 (vijf duizend en twee honderd) uitzicht naar de blog over 14.000 (veertienduizend) hits. Met deze motivatie heeft ook de eerste chat chat Cedral Gewest en voor gebruikers van Messenger (MSN), waar iedereen kan meedoen, elke kwestie bespreken die (het adres van de chat is group895851@groupsim.com).

Met veel succes in de stad, de blog voor de regio Abragam Cedral, waardoor de dekking van de steden Potirendaba, Ibirá, Guapiçú, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, onder andere

En hij begon ook aangelegenheden betreffende de Bleach manga te publiceren, grappige foto's gevonden op het internet, PPS (dia's) Grappig, Tutorials Cursus voor Informatie Systemen (huidige koers je mee bezig bent), eindelijk, en vele andere dingen, waardoor het -= Blog =- Goffin Ander-rijke inhoud voor alle fans en Cedralenses Evi Goffin.

Persoonlijke Quote:

"Ik ben wie ik ben, ik ben niet wat ik wil worden!"

Sociale netwerken:
Msn/E-mail: alzanderson@hotmail.com

Orkut: ミ★ Anderson ★彡 Zotarelli [http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=334528594134124972]
Twitter: AnderZotarelli [http://twitter.com/AnderZotarelli]
Facebook: Anderson Zotarelli [http://www.facebook.com/alzanderson]

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